2011年11月2日 星期三

Giving Comments to annotation 2

To Iris:

  I agree with your idea that we can not satisfy the sutiation we are sometimes comes from comparing with others. This is a consequence of catogory. If the society has two groups, the rich and the poor, our self-catogory will catogorize oursevels to the group we belong to. So the poor will think that they are poor. In fact, they are really poor, compared with the rich. But the defination of poor is quite ambiguous to us. The word "poor" is a concept of the poor group that under the comparison with the rich.

To Ruby:
  On the views of the feminism, I think that you use the word "guility" is controversy. It seems that a young girl have sexual relationship with man is shameful. And she should be guility. Why can't a girl have desire to have sex with any man if she want? I don't think it's such a shameful thing. But I agree with your point that she might be infected with AIDS without any protection. I think this behavior shows her immaturity, though she thinks she is mature enough to have a baby. 

To Layla:

I agree with your point that homosexuals are not crimes, but I think this is the common thought shared by most people.No matter who can offer nice enviroment to the children, and gives them the better life, they are the suitable people to raise the children. But the problem is, there are still many people can't accept the child is adopted by homosexuals though they think that homosexual are not crimes. some people think that if  children are adopted by homosexuals, they will live under the pressure that their parents are homosexuals. And it is negative to the develoment of children mentally. How can you convince those people that this situation will not happen?
  I think if we can't eliminate the discrimination to the homosexuals, the homosexual adoption will not be accepted without any controverision. But if we have been educated that homosexuals are better than heterosexuaals since we were born, our notion will be chaned, will be different. So the point is that the discrimination to the homosexuals is rooted deeply for a long time.   

